27 March, 2020

I want to start off by saying a massive thank you to all of those people supporting our community at this extremely difficult and challenging time. You are truly immense!! As hard as it is, we know that without your care, commitment and sacrifices it would be so much worse.

School this week has been a very strange, quiet and empty place. It feels like the building is missing the hundreds of bright, chirpy, energetic bundles of joy coursing through its veins and in truth, so have I! whilst we fully understand and agree with why it is what it is, we look forward to welcoming you all back in brighter, happier, safer days. A school is not a school without you children, but our job is to protect and help and if this is how we do it, so be it!

That having been said, the children of our amazing key workers have brought their own enthusiasm, energy and joy to the school. They have shown exceptional positivity and thrown themselves into the more relaxed practicies freely. They have been a real joy to be around.

The staff too have demonstrated great selflessness and fully engaged with the work of the school. As they now come to the end of their watch and take the relevant precautions for keeping themselves and their loved ones safe, I know that the next team along will do just as amazing a job, bringing their own skills, passions and talents to the children.

It will be extremely important over the coming weeks to stay in touch and maintain as much normality as possible. Class Dojo has been incredibly helpful in this to date and it has been wonderful to hear from you on a daily basis. This has really kept our spirits high, and, I hope, likewise with you.

I'd like now to kick this on a notch and ask you to tweet photos and updates about what you are getting up to at home either with the learning projects or activities you have made yourself or found elsewhere. This will share the ideas, keep people in touch and remind us all that we are not alone, even in isolation. You are such an awesome community that I know this

outpouring of support for eachother will get us through thesetroubled and strange times as we continue onwards to the noramlity that lies on the other side. Just send them to @UlverleySchool and @RobinHoodTrust.

I think that this is the greatest thing that we can take from this whole, terrible situation...We are not alone! All across the UK and around the world, people have come together as one to help and support each other, making sacrifices and putting others first. Community is the winner in all of this. We now know that when times are tough, all we have to do is turn around and there will be someone there to help. Ask and so shall it be.

Ultimately, we should see that people are inherantly good. We do not have to get by alone because there is always someone nearby to help if we need it.

I know that these feel like dark days, but there is so much light and love shining through if we care to look for it. Each new day brings the end closer. We will prevail!

Take care and stay safe!
