16 July, 2019

After lots of hard work, focus and determination, our Year 6 children finally received their Key Skills Test results. We are so proud of them for who they have become in their own rights and their results put the cherry on the cake.

In Reading [75%], they achieved higher than the national average [73%]. In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling [82%], they achieved higher than the national average [78%]. In Maths [78%], they achieved in line with the national average [79%]. In Writing [73%], they were just under the national average [78%]. Overall. 60% achieved the Combined National Standard compared to the national average of 65%.

Whilst we are extremely proud of them and their results, we know that they are so much more than just a score. They are warm, caring, talented young people of great character, enthusiasm and drive.

And what is more, we are far more proud of them as a group of individuals than we are of their scores.

They are our future teachers, GPs, bakers, nurses, bankers, pilots, DJs, entertainers, in fact future anything they set their minds to. We hope that we have encouraged them to think big, to follow their passions and to take risks. We hope that as they leave us, they have learned to fall forwards, to dare to dream and to have the guts to fail as well as the will to succeed.

Whatever they do, wherever they go and whoever they become, we wish them all the very best in their new adventures.

It is not just our Y6 who have received results at this time of year. In Y1, 77% of our children achieved the Phonic standard. In Y2, 65% attained the standard in Reading; 63% in Writing and 65% in Maths. Obviously, we are equally proud of them all.

So, what of the future for us?

Having considered the results, looked at our practices, listened to those that matter, we have decided upon three main priorities for next year.

1.Curriculum Progression

2. Curriculum Depth

3. Curriculum Breadth

In doing so, we intend to further improve attainment, develop mastery for greater depth and ensure greater successes for children with SEND and in receipt of Pupil Premium.

Although not having yet been able to cross the line with academisation, we will continue to work alongside both Solihull Local Authority and Robin Hood Multi-Academy Trust to face whatever challenges and successes come our way. Falling forward with style!

Have a great summer!
